What’s been keeping me busy

14 Apr

Katy and I have been hard at work this past month on a top-secret project, code-named tambourine. It will be known to the public as Grooveshark Lite.

We’re nearing the end and we’ve been given permission to leak a tiny little bit. There’s other big news coming down the pipe very soon, but this is pretty big to us too. Teaser screenshots:

Grooveshark Lite:


Listen to any song cached on Grooveshark:

Unlike the current Grooveshark website, Grooveshark Lite doesn’t require the sharkbyte client, and doesn’t require a user account to listen, search or browse.

  1. jon pugh

    April 15, 2008 at 2:10 am


  2. Alejandra

    April 15, 2008 at 2:42 pm

    GOOOOO JAY!!! Who knew that a livejournal entry changed your fate!

    I’m glad you joined the team :)

    Congrats on all of your hard work.